To ensure the security of your FTP site, OPIS utilizes a password management service called Passpack to send your credentials. You should have received two different emails:

  • 1st Email: From an OPIS Customer Service representative with information on how to access your password.

Please keep in mind that:

  • The PIN in the first email will only allow you to access your username and password once. 
  • The link in the second email will expire in 7 days or immediately after you have retrieved your credentials.

You may see the below error message if:

  • It has been over 7 days since this link was sent to you.
  • You have retrieved your credentials once.
  • Someone else has access to the link and PIN, and has retrieved the credentials.

To get a new link and PIN, please contact OPIS Customer Service at or  1-888-301-2645.